Please find enclosed details of a temporary road closure:
Road Closure: Church Farm Junction To Former South Shropshire District Boundary Near North Rowens, Outside North Rowans To Approx. 185m North From Outside North Rowans, Rowley, Westbury
Road Closure: Former South Shropshire District Boundary To Plantation Holding Junction Blackmore, Westbury
Start Date: 21st September 2020
End Date: 13th November 2020
Purpose: Road Closure: WPD - 1 joint hole in tarmac road and grass verge and 964m trenching in tarmac road and grass verge for reinforcement scheme, This has to be done in conjunction with HM5132220732A and HM5132220732BZ. A Rolling Road Closure will be in place
Works Promoter: Western Power Distribution
Works Promoter Ref: HM5132220732A & HM5132220732BZ
Enforcement pattern for Church Farm Junction To Former South Shropshire District Boundary Near North Rowens, Outside North Rowans To Approx. 185m North From Outside North Rowans, Rowley, Westbury & Former South Shropshire District Boundary To Plantation Holding Junction Blackmore, Westbury:
24hrs A Rolling Road Closure will be in place
You can view the closure and diversion route by clicking here: https://one.network/?tm=117931652
Should you have any queries regarding this closure, please call Customer Services on 0345 6789006, or contact the Street Works Team on streetworks@shropshire.gov.uk.